Gold Frame & Acrylic Frame
We provide high-quality gold frame wrapping , available in 70% , 80% , 90% and 916 gold grade.
As simple as 1,2,3 for gold frame wrapping.
1) just contact us.
2) send us the pic & estimate size of your amulets.
3) get quotation from us.
What is 70% Gold?
What is 70% gold? 70% gold is around as 12k gold grade , which gold contain is around 4x - 5x%.
Why make 70% gold?
Is an entry level gold frame who friends who want to maintain and preserve condition of their amulets as well as to wear Gold "Housing" for their Buddha who grant them wish and protect them.
Is low price and much more affordable , it will change colour due to usage of perfume , expose to sweat or heat.
However all the above can be polish and re-touch up by us to make it as good as new go solve the problem.
What is 80% Gold?
80% gold is actually 14k gold which gold contain is around 5x %.
Slightly heavier and better gold contain then 70% , a grade in between 70% and 90% , for customer who had slighty more budget for entry level frame.
Same as 70% gold , 80% gold will change colour due to usage of perfume , exposure to sweat or heat.
Problem can be solve by us , re-polish and re-touch up the gold to make it as good as new.
Why Make 80% Gold?
For customer who slighty had more budget in making entry level gold frame for their Buddha amulet which protect them or grants their wishes.
80% frame is more durable , which can be re-frame afew time if the acrylic is spoil , unlike 70% , (please come back to us when you wan re-frame , there are many unskilled or rough workmanship craftsman which break gold easily and say that is due to poor quality of gold.)
What is 90% Gold?
Is one of the highest tier grade , is 18k - 20k gold , gold contain is around 6x% - 7x%.
A much better quality gold frame , much more durable , able to re-frame many times and colour is much more lasting.
It will still change colour or become dull overtime due to usage of perfume , exposure to sweat or heat.
Can be solve by re-polish by us and re-touch up to solve the problem.
Why Make 90% Gold?
Commonly wrap by customers who had more budget or wish granted and want to make a quality "housing' for the Buddha who protect them.
90% gold frame is able to customise more beautiful design like CZ diamond , Fish Net Frame etc.
For Waterproof Acrylic frame , we have Basic Clear type , Colour Frame , Laser Style Frame.
Recommended to customer who want spend one time money , do a good and quality frame.
What is 916 Gold?
Also know as 22k gold , gold contain 91.6%. Is an international recognise Gold Grade and has market value and use in trading.
916 Gold does not change colour , the most is will become dull or less shiny due to useage of perfume.
It can be solve by going to any Gold Shop to wash or re-polish , re-touch up by us to make it as shiny and good as new.
Why Make 916 Gold?
The best gold recommend for amulet frame as amulet is what we wear daily and pray to.
916 gold is able to repair , re-cast , up grade or sell at market pricing , it had it own positioning in hold industry.
Investing in 916 gold save alot of money long term , as it does not need polishing same as our gold accessory which we buy from gold shop.
Why wrap your Gold Frame with us?
All gold frame wrapped by us are guaranteed , if there are any problem , just contact us and we will solve it for you , there will be no argument.
Fast and easy , wrapping gold with us only take the 3 steps , contact us , send us size of amulet and gey quotation. The rest we will do for you.
All gold frame done by us have buy back guarantee and can be sell off (it depend on the gold quality upkeep and market price).
Faster contact us now to book slot for the Gold Frame Wrapping!