Phra Pikanet Bucha (Baby Verison)
Ajarn Cai (Tai)
Wat Khao Or
BE 2567
If interested to Worship , PM us for more details.
Conscreated in year 2567 by Ajarn Cai (Tai) , Wat Khao Or.
Go thru multiple blessing ceremony on year 2566 , blessed for close to a year before releasing for worship.
Even the Phra Pikanet bucha which had not been worship , had been going thru daily chanting by Ajarn Cai.
Worshipping of Phra Pikanet is believe to give:
- Wisdom on daily life , how to solve things , do things , make things better.
- Clear Obstacles
- Wealth , mainstream or windfall.
- Good Business , always full of abundance and never go hungry.
- Wish Granting
- Protection
This year is the year of Phra Pikanet and is never better to worship Phra Pikanet this year.
💯% authentic , full refund if found fake in any shop or competition.