Phra Somdej Kanon Roon Sorng
Luang Por Pae
Wat Pikulthong
BE 2519
If interested to Worship , PM us for more details.
Second batch of Pae Pan Kanon , consecrated by Luang Por Pae in year 2519.
Made using 108 Ner Phoong Kersong materials with Phoong Ittijay mixed , Hairs of Lp Pae and gold chip were mixed into making.
This piece is rare and hard to find , with many many hairs visible on it.
In original condition and tio top grade , with sharp feature , clear texture , beautiful powder texture and many hairs visible.
Luang Por Pae amulets are highly worshipped in Thailand , specially Singburi Province and oversea country like China , HK , Taiwan , Malaysia and Singapore.
Very famous for Metta Maha Niyom (Grace Popularity and Loving Kindness) which is needed in current era of business and working industry.
万事人缘为先 , in order to show your capabilities , people need to like you first , to give chance to you , support your business then you can achieve wealth and dreams.
Luang Por Pae's amulets greatly help in this area and is one of the amulets which never go wrong , no matter who wearing and in which industry , one that wear Luang Por Pae's amulets will achieve more then others.
Come ready with SMK authentication card , 💯% authentic , full refund if found fake in any shop or competition.