Phra Somdej Kanon Roon Sorng
Luang Por Pae
Wat Pikulthong
BE 2519
If interested to worship , PM us for more details.
Second batch of Kanon , conscreated by Luang Por Pae in year 2519.
Made using 108 Ner Phoong Kersong materials , mixed with Phoong Ittijay , Gold Chips and Hairs of Lp Pae.
An ideal batch that is substitute for Pae Pan Kanon Roon Reak which now is 4 digits , slighty bigger sizing , recommend for entry level.
A beautiful piece with very clean texture , sharp feature , deep yant and with gold foil pasted over the front , in original condition , no repairs and touch up.
💯% Authentic , full refund if found fake in any shop or competition. Come ready with SMK authentication card.