Phra Somdej Pae Sam (3) Pan (Phim Laiser)
Luang Por Pae
Wat Pikulthong
BE 2512
Welcome PM If Interested
A highly source after piece , Phra Somdej Pae Sam (3) Pan conscreated in year 2512 Luang Por Pae Wat Pikulthong.
One of the most effective , beautiful and high grade tier of Luang Por Pae Phra Somdej , this piece is Phim Laiser (Tiger stripe) and Hand mould phim.
Made using 108 Ner Phoong Kersong material , Phoong Ittijay , Hairs of Lp Pae , Gold Chip were mixed into making and with 3 takruts insert.
Very beautiful piece with thick stripe , clean meat and sharp feature. Won 1 time 1st placing in SMK competition.
💯% authentic , full refund if found fake in any shop or competition