Phra Somdej Taising Phim Jackie (Rare and Exclusive)
Luang Por Pae
Wat Pikulthong
BE 2517
If Interested to Worship , PM us for more details.
Conscreated in year 2517 by Luang Por Pae Wat Pikulthong.
Made using 108 Ner Phoong Kersong material with Phoong Ittijay mixed , Gold Chip and Lp Pae's hairs mixed into making and with takruts insert.
This piece is rare and exclusive with Luang Por Pae's handwritten yant on the surface , which is very to come across.
Come ready with SMK authenticity card and X-Ray , 💯% authentic , full refund if found fake in any shop or competition.
We have the following services available
- Gold Wrapping
- Gold Pasting (Bucha/Amulets)
- Acrylic/Stainless wrapping
- SMK authenticity card
- Travel (Hotel/Transportation)
- High Res (HD) Studio Pic for Amulets